David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

When are you going to accept that I don't give a **** what you think of me. I don't respect insecure loud mouth asswipes like you. You've nothing to offer, you are nothing to be concerned with. Do something for this board and offer up something of value..if you're capable or put your head back up your ***
Yet here you are conversing with me.. LOL.
I like the fact you think you have something to offer, I like the fact that when this thread was started and someone else had something to offer, all you could do was try to piss all over it.
Class act hypocrisy, all the way..
Anyway, I'll add something just for you. I'm not sure if you're playing drums in the Scuzzards, but that song they did ain't punk, that's more death metal.
Here's a link to the Punk band I played guitar in many years ago.
This songs just for you ,Y Bother, indeed.