Just to recap the whole install of the nitrous express ml-1000 nitrous kit for anyone that follows this thread for info and in my position if never running nitrous before. One important first note was a great idea from crackedback READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST!! ( i downloaded them before purchasing so I had some idea of that parts i would need to make it work and the pressures the system requires) The install went well but be aware the kit requires 8psi fuel pressure so I added a 14psi constant flow pump with 100gph at 9psi so it should have more than enough to bump the power up in future if I want. But I had to add a 3/8 return line into my tank for the pressure regulator. That required getting a friend to tig weld the new return line into my sending unit as I already had 3/8 line for feeding the old pump. It could be brazed if you have the capability but my friend was down the road with tig. The fuel pump i hooked up with an oil pressure saftey switch that is bypassed when you turn on the starter to prime the system. I put a fuel pressure gauge just after the regulator and added a 3/8 brass t so that I could have a mr gasket regulator to feed the carbs as 8psi is too much for a carb. I put all that just behind the alternator where the old fuel pump was and I mounted it to the fuel pump block off plate. Also I added a fuel pressure switch after the regulator to cut the ground off for the nitrous and fuel solenoid circuit if the pressure goes to low, it won't allow me to spray nitrous below 7psi at this time but its adjustable. I also added an afr gauge to monitor things on and off nitrous and help tune for peak power in both settings. I had all that hooked up and got the nitrous kit installed, had the bottle filled and checked for leaks, that went well but the pressure was a bit low.l at 700psi. I rnded up having to get a nitrous bottle blanket (I got the one with pressure regulator) nitrous express wants 1000psi at the solenoid so I will set the blanket regulator for a range just above and below that. Also the nitrous plate moved my stock air cleaner to high so I am waiting for a 1" drop 13" air cleaner base from Mancini racing as it works with the stock silenced cleaner lid. I should have that next week and them I'll dial the timing back to 33 degrees, clean up my spark plugs and take it for a test hit!!! I'll let you now how that goes and add some pics if anyone is interested.