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Yes there is lottery in Vietnam. It's called Ve So. Translation to English is ticket number. Not anything like our lottery in America. Here they sell them by the provinces that they have in Vietnam. For instance I live in Vinh Long, and I do see tickets from here. But I also see lottery tickets from other provinces not too far away. Each province has its own winning number each day. The top winner is $2 billion dong. Which is about 86,000. That's if you get all six numbers. But they do pay all the way down to I think even two numbers. 1 lottery ticket here cost $10,000 dong or about 43 cents USD. You can buy them at a lottery store is usually a standalone but more often you have people on the street selling them. Mostly it's poor people or disabling people selling the lottery tickets, and they just walk up and down the roads in and out of the cafes restaurants wherever and try to sell lottery tickets to anybody. They make about $0.05 profit for ticket they sell. So it's a pretty tough living I would assume. Sometimes they don't even approach me when they see that I'm a foreigner. They don't think I understand Vietnamese language. LOL. It's somewhat of an advantage to be a white guy because it gets a little tiring when they approach you all day everyday.Here are some tickets I bought locally but they are from the province of Hau Giang. Doesn't matter though, if you win you win you can pretty much cash them anywhere.
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