20psi stock 5.9 carnage
Quora is full of kids asking how to "just add a turbo". Most who use "just" are gomers. Besides the plumbing complication, factory turbo engines are specially designed, usually with forged pistons, special connecting rods, and under-piston oil sprayers to survive the higher thrust and combustion temperatures. Safest is to add boost simply to overcome pressure drops in the intake, particularly for an engine with restricted flow like a slant-six. Even with a factory turbo engine, it is risky to fool with the boost controls to increase pressure. I'll wait for electric boosters to get better and cheaper since an easier install.
I'm surprised that 5.9L engines are becoming rare. Thank "Cash for Clunkers", though I'm not sure those "destroyed" engines can't be rebuilt with an overbore and crankshaft grind (if undersized bearings exist to match). Perhaps 5.2L are still ample. The future of retrofit might be in Chevy LS engine (plus tranny), though not near as simple a swap into a small-block Mopar.