Getting into it - My own 1st Mopar
I know Dad started a thing about my car here
Josh's 73 Dart Sport - "Fred" and he will update that more often than I will be on here with school and everything. I don't know if he put anything on there from yesterday or not. We got the new rear end under Fred yesterday. I did not have my phone out with me, so no pictures of the new ride height. Dad said the new springs sit a little higher than he thought they would, but we like it. I'll get a picture the next time we pull the tarp off of Fred. We also went through the trunk to see what all was in there. The door panels look like we can clean them up and reuse them, there are 3 door windows and hope that one of them is the one we need for the right door. Also found a wiring harness that we think is for a 318 by looking at the wire lengths and where the connectors are. That is good because we will be looking for a cheap 318 or 360 after we are successful with the roof swap. Dad said the roof swap scares him a little, but I know we will figure it out.
ok - back to class now.