Semi truck strap binder versus human jaw

This was a call we ran the other day. A strap binder somehow came off of a flatbed trailer on the interstate, a car runs it over and kicks it up into the air. The binder blows through the windshield of the car behind it and it hits the driver in the face. He's knocked unconscious and his quick thinking wife steers the car safely to the shoulder.

She thinks he's dead, so we get dispatched for a cardiac arrest. Luckily, he's still alive when we get on scene. I'm in the back seat stabilizing his head while he apply a collar around his neck. I could feel his shattered jaw creaking and crunching in my hands and I could see the rectangular mark the binder left on his face.

The man is alive for now, but he's facing a long road to recovery. Be careful on the roads and be ALERT!
