340 max camshaft with exhaust manifolds

Not sure why you are specifically asking about sol lifter cams. In production, they were used in the Poly & 273 engines.
If you are asking because you are trying to relate the performance of the more common hyd cams to a sol lifter, then you might find this helpful as a means of comparison. This applies to the 050 numbers: the difference between them varies between 8 -15*. A tight lash sol lifter cam [ 0.012" lash ] of 240 @ 050 will perform similarly to a hyd cam of 232 @ 050.
A large lash [ 0.030-32"] sol cam of 240 @ 050 will perform similarly to a 225 @ 050 hyd cam.
Thank you for your response Sir.

We started running solids years ago and prefer them. The vacuum is poor with large hydraulic cams and the lifters aren't much better. Solid lash adjustments can be manipulated when tuning for weather, and staring line conditions. I have several grinds and long blocks that I'm going to use over time.
