Vehicle security for long road trip

Get a Club, while it’s easy to cut off for some thieves it still buys you some time and could deter some people. I’d unhook my battery at night, also keep the front wheels turned and park in well lit areas, or where you can see it from your room, or by the front door. I’d you are that worried about a trip maybe take a different vehicle? I know it’s fun, when I took our Challenger on Route 66 I wasn’t worried much till we got to the west coast and went up the coastal hyw 1, some pretty sketchy places, in Oregon one Hotel even had razor wire fence around it and it was a nice place! Meth heads and druggies everywhere…I didn’t sleep well that night worrying about my car, that takes alot of fun out of it but it’s still a blast to take a long trip in a cool car! I heard the Apple Air tags are good, I don’t know much about security systems. I’d also get some wheel locks too so nobody can steal your wheels and tires.

What area of the country are you traveling? Some parts are fine and I wouldn’t worry, others I’d stay away from with a sweet car!