Semi truck strap binder versus human jaw

The there was that time I was working up north a couple years ago, and a trailer came off of a truck coming the other way. It came into my lane, so I went into the ditch, but it did also. So I was all the way up on the embankment along an old farm fence and it hit me square in the bed of my truck. Had I stayed in my lane I might’ve missed it, but the tongue skewering me through the cab was in my mind and I did my best to avoid it. It had but one safety chain the he didn’t hook up because “it was too short”, and he didn’t close the hasp on the ball or pin it. He did however have the light plug plugged in??? 3 months later and my truck got fixed, but I didn’t get injured, just had to drive with a crushed in bed, no taillight, the bumper pulled mostly off the truck, tailgate damaged and wouldn’t open. All because of laziness on his part. I had pics but I think I deleted them.
I wrote about this once before. Some years back some idiot was towing his boat when it came off the ball struck two young woman riding their bikes, killing one
From what I remember there were no safety chains and the wrong size ball for the coupler
The driver was arrested and charged and I believe he did time