Cat Pics
We just found out last night that my little buddy, 13 year old Mr Orange is diabetic.
He had been what seemed like fatigued starting about 2 weeks ago.
Not moving a whole lot and only walking about six feet at a time before laying back down and then going another six feet.
Back legs seemed to be unstable as well.
Also extremely thirsty. he's always been a "water cat" but the thirst increased about 5 fold.
I thought sure it was going to be FeLV from the kitten we had to put down.
I was actually happy to hear it was diabetes!
He's been prescribed the exact same insulin that I'm on!
I gave him 2 units out of my pen when we got home from the vet, and it was almost an immediate and almost night and day difference.
We got some learnin' to do and some work to do.
He's been a real good boy about taking the shot.
Have to go back in 2 weeks for the cat version of an A1c test (fructoseamine) to see if the dosage is right.
It's nice to have you back, my friend.
I think we're both gonna make least a few more years.