UTG wins!

I beleive with regard David Vizard, most do not comprehend the techniques and theory he is presenting. UTG following certainly doesn't get any of it. Take the MI 318 build, in my opinion all DV and Charles Servedio have done is, shown the pitfalls of trying to build a 318 into a performance engine. All the hours Servedio put into flow testing 318 heads, I do believe at some point he put a set of 360 J heads just to show the practicality of the 360 heads. I do recall him saying 360 heads were easier to get the flow numbers out of.. I also want to remind everyone that Vizard 318 build was Tonys idea.

That's part of it, also doesn't help though he doesn't present in as much of an "engaging" way. Far more knowledge and useful experience than Tony though for sure. Most of Tony's "back in the day" stories are failures and screwups lol. The one that got me was when he built his own dragster but didn't account for the height of the seat cushion so with a seat and helmet his head wouldn't clear the roll(?) bar. Took the cushion out and his helmet was still up against the bar but he ran it anyway, turned out the vibrations shook his head so much he blacked out by the end of the track and had messed up vision and headaches for days after. Really sketchy and dumb IMO and he just kind of laughed it off. Even if vibration wasn't an issue, if the dragster did happen to roll over his head and neck/spine would have been severely damaged.