Hello all, my name is Scott. Found the forum searching for info on the 1969 Dodge Dart we just received due to my FIL passing. The car has been sitting in his garage for 45+ years. My FIL talked a little about it over the years, but for most info was unknown. I knew it was a Dart and he said it has a 426 Hemi.
Little backstory on the car from what I have pieced together from some of his friends (FIL was 82) ................The car was stolen when new and then my FIL bought it with 2.9 miles on it. According to the VIN it is a 1969 2dr hardtop swinger with a 340 as the original motor. My FIL decided due to getting a good deal on it, he would make it a drag car and put the 426 Hemi in it. He took it to the track a hand full of times and then it sat until this past weekend when I pulled it out of the garage.
I loaded it on a trailer in NJ at my MIL's and brought it home to West Virginia. I cleaned it up and now have it in my shop wondering where do I start???????
Now a little background on me. I am 52 and retired Federal LEO and do not have any experience rebuilding a motor or restoring a car. I would like to make this a tribute car to the racing era and my FIL. I want to keep the 426 in it, however from talking to friends there are some rowdy race parts and they are not meant for the street. It has a Dana 60 rear end and is a 4 speed car.
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