You know, it is my personal conviction Jesus was actually crucified on a Wednesday

It is the only way He could have been in the tomb for three days, as prophesied AND the tomb be empty as said in Matthew 28:1

In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

What our English translation fails to note is that the word "sabbath" in the Greek is in the plural

We all know the Bible has weekly Sabbaths (what we call Saturday) but what most people don't know, is that there are also days that are called "high sabbath", days that are a holy day by virtue of the date, regardless of where it falls in the week

The passover feast was the be celebrated on the 14th of Nissan, regardless of the day of the week, and what does John 19:31 say?

The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

Most people think Jesus died on a Friday, because this verse says the next day was a sabbath, but a careful reading shows us it couldn't have been a Friday, because the next day was a high sabbath (the passover)

This is why Matthew uses the plural for sabbath, the high sabbath (Thursday) and the regular sabbath (Saturday)

A high Sabbath is when a ceremonial sabbath falls on the seventh day Sabbath.

Thats one way to know the crucifixion was on a Friday. The Jews didn’t want Christ hanging on the cross on the Sabbath.

The other thing to understand is how these people reckon time. We don’t get to apply how we reckon time to how they did it.

The Bible narrative is dead clear.

Christ was executed on a Friday and He was dead BEFORE sundown on that day. The day ends at sundown, not midnight like the Romans count it.

Christ was dead, taken down from the cross and hastily was prepared for the tomb BEFORE the Sabbath. These people were keeping the Sabbath and they kept it during the crucifixion (as did Christ BTW).

Since Christ was dead and in the tomb before the end of the day on Friday, that gets counted as ONE DAY. That’s inclusive reckoning of time. That’s day ONE.

Day TWO is Christ in the tomb. That would be the entire Sabbath, from sunset Friday (the end of Friday) to sunset at the end of Sabbath (Saturday). That’s day TWO.

The THIRD “day” starts at sundown Sabbath evening (the “evening and the morning“ are THE day) and continues until sunset Sunday evening (the FIRST day of the week). That means Christ was still in the tomb from sunset Sabbath until His resurrection at sunrise Sunday (the first day of the week). That is the THIRD day in the tomb.

That, and the fact that the crucifixion was on a high Sabbath proves that the wednesday crucifixion does not stand the test of the Bible and Bible chronology.

There is enough teaching materiel in the Crucifixion that an entire encyclopedia could be written and not cover all the details and facts proving the birth, life, ministry, execution, resurrection and ministry after the resurrection.

The execution was on Friday, and Christ spent three days in the tomb exactly as the prophecies said.