Polyurethane LCA bushing ? ( UTG VIDEO)

Yup, I get that, and the question could have been...

"Hey, I heard this, is it true?"

Simple and to the point.

But, it was not.

There seems to be a whole lot of folks around here who seem to hang on UT's every word so they can come here and bash. I don't care about UTG one way or the other, but I find it pathetic how many people get their feathers ruffled about a guy who they claim to not care about... Seems they care a whole lot.. piston envy maybe.. I dunno...

I'd agree with you but the sad/concerning part is he's getting more popular as time goes on and more people who don't know better are following his advice. A year or 2 ago I was thinking the same as you but now... not so much. He's like the Scotty Kilmer of hot-rodding, mixing good information with bad and you don't know which is which unless you already know.

If the source of one's misinformation isn't identified then it's easier for others to be misled as well.