Can cam support gear change?

D'oh, I missed that you put it in your OP and just shot for the size I plan to use in the future.
Difference should only be about 3%, or 93rpm off at 3k, 62 rpm off at 2k. Personally, I'd still choose 3.91's, but that's just me.

I'm sure it accelerates like a rocket right now. My question was more what does it do under load in high gear at around 2k rpm. If it bucks, surges, or is otherwise a bit lazy that low in the revs (in high gear) then that should give you some indication of what the car will be like if you try to cruise it there at higher speeds. If it can pull from 2k in 4th on a steep hill, then you should have no issues cruising at 2k on the highway. I call this type of a thing a 'sanity check' since it's easy to get lost in pages of theory.

I suspect your cam isn't too big to run the 3.23's, but pulling a hill from 2k in 4th would help confirm it.

Thank ya sir. So test in 4th, even though it's the OD gear? Or should I test in 3rd?