Steering All Over the Place at 55mph+

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This is a beautiful car.
If the car sits like this at rest, you surely have no caster at this point unless you have aftermarket parts in the front end. These cars don't have much caster to begin with. Look at this chart that I posted elsewhere:

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At just about 5/8" over a stock ride height, this car they mapped went into NEGative caster and it got worse the higher the front end went. The caster goes POSitive as the suspension compresses/lowers.
Thx! No, the pic is of the car probably about 60ft out. Rear axle separates a bunch (4+ inches from appearance) and the front lifts a bunch too (gets a tad of air under the LF tire and RF barely touching). Guessing from pics the front lifts about 3". So I'll be setting the caster such that it remains positive at these elevated positions. Obviously after the acceleration is reduced further down track, the front end should settle a bit and help the situation. I'll try various settings to get it right! Thx for that chart!