I have taken up the manta of David Frieberger "Don't get it right, get it running" or Lucky Costa "Good enough for now". Hoping to get the 340 fired in a week or two on the run stand and get it in the Dart so I can cruise this summer.
My wife always asked about my car. It wasn’t running when we first started dating and I was always over there working on it. It was 3 years before she got to go for a ride in it. Coming up on 5 years now and it’s only issue is it overheats. Hopefully it will be back on the road this summer.
I think a lot of folks just make excuses when the reality is we have other priorities in life. My wife snd family come first. The Dart isn’t going anywhere and it’s not going to leave me if I don’t show it love. There is nothing wrong with that.
On the flip side I spent a long time with just zero motivation to work on the car. I could have had it done before we were married but I just didn’t want to. I’ll always love cars but there are certainly highs and lows.