Best Gears for a 408 Stroker?
i don't understand why people leave gearing and stall as an afterthought, a 408 with 3.73 will have similar torque to the ground as a 512 with 2.94 gear, on a street car most will self impose a gear and stall limitation, just build for it not against it. With all these displacement and power adder options easy to build lot of hp at street speed rpm. 1500-4500 rpm.
I agree with the above. and I think that every street build should begin with the gearing question already decided. Doing it the other way, may force your engine into an unpleasant box.
If I had a 408,
it would have a A518 behind it, with ratios of
2.45-1.45-1.00-.69od and I'd get me some gears to cruise in the range of 2000 to 2400 at whatever hiway speed I tend to drive, which, in Manitoba is mostly ~65 mph. That would be ~4.30s.
This would make my starter gear 4.30 x 2.45=10.54, which is ludicrously large, for an automatic but Ludicrous Gear will be fine with the stock stall and, this 4.30 combo makes a reasonably nice Second gear of
4.30 x1.45=6.24 which will get me 65@5600. After that, I don't care.
The A518 has regular splits of;
.592-.69-.69 / Since I am a streeter, that .59 is the one that I gotta live with. If my shift rpm was to be 6000, then .59x 6000=3550@41mph is the rpm at which Second gear will begin, so my 408 is gonna have to have some balls at 3550@41 mph; so this then dictates the cam, which dictates the DCR; while reving to 6000 still pulling, governs the head choice.
I mean if I had a 408