72 Dart Torsion bar replacements??

Op stated that the adjusters are all in.

And one side is on the bump the other is about 1/2" up

And he just started to notice.

I agree it is logical to have it be a catastrophic failure, but you don't know till you really dig around

FYI My 67 dart with 323,000 miles has a ton of range left in the adjusters and sits about 1/2 inch from each bump. OEM bars.

Adjusters being all the way in is usually a sign of the torsion bars being worn out. If the suspension is sitting on the bump stops that’s more like a failed socket.

And a failed socket is usually catastrophic, all the weight of the car on that corner is in the bar.

Again, I’m only going off the description, but failed torsion bar sockets are usually pretty obvious.