20psi stock 5.9 carnage

Regarding rarity, it all depends on where you live and where you look (salvage yards vs online). I just moved to northern GA and old-er Mopar engines (Magnums and small blocks) are harder to find but it's reflected on what you see on the roads. Hardly any 1990s or older Dodge trucks or SUVs but lots of Chebbies. On the other hand every 5th or so car here is a late-model Charger or Challenger so G3 Hemis are all over the place. Magnums and SBMs are much more plentiful in CO where I moved from.

Kind of a bummer but I'll probably either shift to doing more G3 Hemi stuff or just accept that I have to travel a bit to get SBM stuff, or figure out a way to get cores shipped to me from other states.