Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads

Now you are way off the idea. Symetric ports requires new cams and manifolds.

Johnny Mac, you sure opened the fish bait can asking the Mopar crowd a question like this. Lots of hardcore racers that started to the mention of an Al head, and did not get past reading the rest of your requirements and stipulations.
Lack of reading/reading comprehension can s the issue combined with pipe dreams written down even though there ought side the parameters of what’s written.

Again, for me, a head that doesn’t interfere with the alternator, more room/metal to port the head is a home run.

I’d like shaft rockers myself even though it seems to be a no go thing in favor of the Chevy rocker set up. While I’m not amused with this since it’s not as good as a shaft rocker set up, it seems that getting the shaft design set up right is an issue. Why I don’t know but the two main culprits are shaft stand location and rocker design not being right for where the shaft stands are placed.

If the cheap Chevy rocker set up is done right & girdles are needed for a high rpm engine, then that’s what it’ll be.
Sometimes no matter what is said, the company doing the work will do what they wanna do.

So you might end up with a Chevy head fitting a Chrysler engine.