Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads

Talking to you right now will just piss me off. I don’t know how to nicely say your splitting hairs just to split hairs or you actually believe in something that’s just not there or what a company would consider financially smart.

This is just like talking to a metal midgets farting asshole. It makes no sense.
Please go fart elsewhere.

Oh! If I hurt your feelings, piss off. IDGAF.

I’m out of this de railed convoluted discussion.

Have a good night everyone.
Your one touchy guy lol

I'm not really trying to start anything with you, just don't agree Victor heads in the same bracket as the others, your the one who brought it up to me, it's not that big of a deal, I thought we were just having a convo. And no my feelings are not hurt I'm getting use to your mood swings and random insults, it's all good have a good night no hard feelings on this side.