@bballfan1, let me tell you what I did. I did not receive too much external pressure on my car, other than from some Mopar car club friends who kept giving me crap about how long it was taking. I put enough pressure on myself. Here is what I did, and it really helped. But then again, I'm a retired Air Force Officer, and I am kind of anal when it comes to meticulous project planning and tracking. I started up a spread sheet with 5 columns. Column A was row number, and I got well past 200. Column B was Task/Item. Column C was Estimated Cost. Column D was estimated time. Column E was Explanation if Required. Then I spent many hours (evening while watching TV) making a complete list of every single thing that needed to be done, how much it would cost and an
honest estimate of how long it would take. If I planned to buy new exhaust tips, I would give it two rows; one row for the purchase, and one row for the installation. Things like interior screw kit would get only one row for the purchase. I would frequently think about something new and add it. I knew I could devote about 15 hours per week to the project. Some weeks I put in a lot more, but some other weeks stuff like travel for work, vacations and family things came up. Be honest about all of your time estimates. When all was said and done, my time and cost estimates were pretty close. I found it helpful to have that extensive list to refer to.