My 422 smallblock build

Couple more pieces of the puzzle showed up last week. I spoke briefly with @weedburner (Grant) about clutches, flywheels, and his clutchtamer. I took his recommendation on the Ram clutch and he also suggested going with an aluminum flywheel, which is something I had been considering anyway.
The Ram clutch is part number 98390 and is a diaphragm style. The flywheel is also from Ram, part number 2503 and weighs in at 13 lbs if I remember correctly. New flywheel bolts from ARP will round out the install.
Although this is a 90% street car, I do plan to add a clutch tamer to the Duster for the rare occasion that I get to the track.
Not much left to do before we drop it in. Getting pretty excited.
Also, a huge thank you goes out to @Bobzilla for the Summit discount code. Saved me $100!

