Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sounds like you're on the downside to recovery. Take it easy and rest it's a recovery for the next few weeks.
Two years ago, I was one of those on the covid floor in the hospital and was a lucky one walking out after just five days.
The covid shot wasn't available then. The doctor told me since I'd never smoked and was healthy and in good shape meant the difference.
He also said as bad I had been when I walked in the hospital I'd have great natural immunity and would never need a covid shot.
To date I've haven't had one. Take it easy and get well.
I totally agree, a non smoker, in good shape, eats right and controlling his/her weight 80 percent of the time will recover well and have antibodies to take care of this covid ****, I am 65 and take chemotherapy pills daily, in good shape for a very light smoker, but on request of my doctor and family it was a must I take them, but again I totally agree with you on not getting the shots, my youngest son has not, my oldest is a school teacher and coach so he had to.

Thanks for your insight .