I have not built a perfect Mopar in about 3 decades at least, so when I offer one of my builds for sale I always state it is a driver, not perfect. Because IT is not perfect. Unless I have built everything to NEW as in engine, trans, rear end, front end, et. I state it still could use attention but IF it runs, drive and stops as as should, IT is a 50-60 year old USED car that will maybe need work to be PERFECT as in LIKE NEW.
Buyers usually want perfect for the price of less than perfect.
I most always buy a roller and make it LIKE I want. Example: If I don't want $1200/gal. topcoat, I buy the $300/gal stuff because it suits me and my poketbook and my goals. I will never spen $6000torebuild an engin or $2000to rebuild a trans as I don't need that. I will never pay $400 per tire. The next guy can make it as perfect as he wants.
One man's diamond will be another man's turd.