1970 "DUPED" Dart Swinger

I have not built a perfect Mopar in about 3 decades at least, so when I offer one of my builds for sale I always state it is a driver, not perfect. Because IT is not perfect. Unless I have built everything to NEW as in engine, trans, rear end, front end, et. I state it still could use attention but IF it runs, drive and stops as as should, IT is a 50-60 year old USED car that will maybe need work to be PERFECT as in LIKE NEW.

Buyers usually want perfect for the price of less than perfect.

I most always buy a roller and make it LIKE I want. Example: If I don't want $1200/gal. topcoat, I buy the $300/gal stuff because it suits me and my poketbook and my goals. I will never spen $6000torebuild an engin or $2000to rebuild a trans as I don't need that. I will never pay $400 per tire. The next guy can make it as perfect as he wants.

One man's diamond will be another man's turd.
I agree with a lot of what you said here. Some people have different standards than others... some know right from wrong. The misrepresentation of the car and the complete butchery is what bothers me most.