Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend

from everything i read over the years the XL pipeline was a disaster from the start. poor welds and other problems.. also read that it would carry a grade of crude that we do not refine for some reason and was being shipped over seas. not sure how true that is though..

if that were put into operation it was going to kill jobs. was only going to take like 35 or so people to run it, all the truck drivers and train engineers that transport the stuff now would be out of work..

I get where you are coming from abodyjoe but as I see it , theres much more going on in the background that directly affects the economy. That Senile President and our idiot Prime Minister didn't consider the ramifications of how the international oil market would react. Once Biden killed off the pipeline with Trudeau's blessing, the stock market speculators upped the future oil pricing as they saw Biden's position (and public comments) to be that the USA was getting out of the oil supply and production business.
As you know, the USA is one of the largest users of oil and oil-related products so they have to get the oil from somewhere.

Enter the salivating OPEC !

Now, besides owning the largest refinery in the USA (Texas) , they also control the price of the oil being shipped there for refinement. They get paid both ways, at whatever price they deem necessary and the North American consumer gets jammed big time!

Because most products have to be shipped nationwide by truck, train or Air, fuel costs soared and the prices of everything increased dramatically increasing inflation. As soon as Biden realized his mistake he started selling of the reserves to try to affect the market place but it didn't work.

Watch the pump price over the next few months. You will be flabergasted at how much it is going to increase as demand goes up for the summer months.