Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend

Here's some recent news on renewable enviornmentaly friendly fuel substitutes.

Chevron road trip demonstrates renewable gasoline blend

I'm predicting the oil industry is not going away any time soon and will keep coming up with more and more cleaner burning fuels to give the EV industry a run for its money.

This battle is just starting...
I think calling this news is a bit of a stretch. To me this is closer to an advertisement. The article is written by Chevron's PR department about Chevron made to look like articles that are written by independent news agencies. Notice the lack of details about the fuels that any "reporter" worth their salt would have included. Notably absent are the words alcohol or ethanol. I suspect this is because of the stigma attached to those words and that these are not new technologys. If there is new technology in their 50% blended gasoline then tell us about it. If it's just rebranding gasahol then that's old news.
I don't have a problem with a companies self promoting as long as it's recognized as such.
Also did anyone take time to read the entire disclaimer at the end of the article? Holy cow!