1970 "DUPED" Dart Swinger

A little off topic...........How did you strip the old paint from the engine? Looking to do the same. Thanks
I tried a lot of things like paint stripper first, that worked pretty good. Then I finished with lacquer thinner (worked the best) and a few really cheap wire brushes from harbor freight. I have a thinner bottle that dispenses the thinner and just squirted it on the engine and scrubbed. I also found a very small wire wheel for a drill at Ace hardware that worked awesome for the corners and tight spots. I was surprised how clean I actually got the engine. I did break the spark plus off so I could get in there as well.

After that I took a propane torch all the way around the block to push out any residual oil or water and that made it really clean. Then I finished with acetone and some rustoleum primer.