What all do i need to take to machine shop?

i'd take in basically the short block-- block, crank, caps, rods & pistons. let them check the bore/block and crank and if that all looks good then decide to move forward, make the call on the rods which is more cost effective refurb or buying new.

if the crank is waxed, a stroker is probably best course of action.

you'll definitely want to roll the heads in, but best to ask them if they want them assembled or if it's cool to break them down. some places want them all in one piece, others don't really care.

but again same boat, have them verify if they are sound condition. if they are not, or are going to require a lot of work for your application aftermarket alum pieces are real value for money there.

either way, communication is KEY. talk to them. set up realistic expectations for BOTH parties and decide from the start whose responsibility specific tasks are. you don't want stuff kicking around there for months because you both thought the other was going to order pistons. and in the same vein, if you're going to order the parts make it a priority. don't let your stuff sit around and languish while you search out a deal or wait for your bonus check to come thru. that's when parts start growing legs and walking away or the desire to get your work done ahead of other people starts to wither away.

have a clear idea of the build you want going in. have a plan and stick to that. have a contingency plan when things unexpectedly go sideways.