Retune my entire carb after installing new heads?

SpeedTalk thread on Carb sizes
I ran a 750 on a 700hp smallblock, changed to a 1000 type, and didnt pick up anything, just lost some throttle response, the 1000 runs as well, just not as snappy lower down.

From the guy who built that 750:
As far as the throttle response goes, etween a small venturi and a large venturi carb, the larger venturi set up on an engine with the correct power range for that size carb and calibrated properly, will deliver good throttle response. So if the carb is too big for the power range of the engine, then generally a smaller venturi carb that is suited for the power range will deliver better throttle response, and quite often allow the car to be faster.

Now go think about what that 5.5Hg might be doing for that 425 Ford earlier.