Oh dear God! 318 stroker

Some of the aftermarket cast 318 pistons are far enough down the bore or that close to it that you could run a 360 (3.58) stroke crank with them and be at zero deck and 349 cubes at 30 thou over.
I know someone who did this before stroker cranks became popular.
If you have a 360 crank already, suitable cast pistons and are happy with a small lift cam then it might be ok, if not you will spend as much or more on buying a 360 crank, machining it, buying cast pistons and fly cutting them for valve reliefs than you would buying 318/390 stroker pistons and a stroker crank.

Just checked and the stock replacement Silvolite pistons are a 1.658 compression height.
With a nominal deck and 360 stroke, the pistons would still be about .030 in the hole.
No valve reliefs and no idea how thick the crowns are, so the cam would probably have to be pretty small but it's doable and the pistons are only $300 per set of 8.
They're supposedly good for stock replacement, so measuring the crown of a stock slug might give an idea of thickness available for some eyebrows.