Coolant flow

Now That #21 was a lovely post, i got the best out of you.... thank you

and although you don't think i ever will, yes, of course I learned something. i had to read through the links to dig out something to pick at.. you gave me no choice. :)

my only gripe is still, and there has to be one i'm sorry, the geezer with the problem hasn't put the effort you are suggesting, for what i estimate to be very expensive engines, into his car cooling system, he's gone standard-ISH like an awful lot of us.

I like and run a 4 blade fixed fan it does the job, robust as hell, i run my aircon radiator with a standard cap and a standard thermostat and 12:1 CR on premium pump gas... i have no problems at 54* and none at 84* other than Hot vinyl seats.... i went for torque rather than hi rpm hence the choice of carburation. long crank motors like to lose flywheels at higher rpms
i have more in the carburation and intake than the machine work for my motor cost. its a 3 carb, port on port set up and it runs nice and cool. 1/3 to half on the gauge.

Now would you agree that the poster that kicked this off could have any from range of simple issues.
collapsed pipe, bad cap, bad tune, stuck advance **** fuel etc etc
and he might not need to convert to the kind of system you outline above. Pumping the coolant faster etc if he just fixed what is causing the cap to vent at a specific higher than stock RPM when it is held for a prolonged period of time on the freeway...

you've spent a lot of time telling me i'm wrong and actually you could have spent some of that time to give him some advice. its unlikley he will invest in a big 2 core ally radiator he's just had his standard one re-cored, and he poroably won't over or under drive anything becasue we confused the hell out of him, but you could abviously help with some thoughts on the matter, and you'll have 1 less in the world asking the same question. Or indeed one more in the world learning something new...

you sound like a great reource... but you keep kicking people in the nuts.
It can be nice to end the day smiling rather the cursing

i'm out of here, beer o'clock london time
