Coolant flow

1. stuart's offers some of the best cooling system info youll ever find, period!
2.stuart's sales top shelf cooling products, period!
3. if you gonna run a a thermostat, run a stuarts fail open stats! i dont see the need for one in most my cars!
4. electric fans ant as good as mechanical fan! why dont dirt track race cars run eletric set ups, cause thay wont keep engine cool, thay run a fixed 4 blade fan! its there go to set up cause its all that will work!!! on a street car i like a good flex fan too!
5. circle track racing is the only place youd ever want to slow down your pump/water flow! 1 to 1 pulley's what most run! on a street car id be looking for over drive pulley's if having heating issues!

The thing with a race car is that the alternator would effectively be converting rpm to electricty to run the fan anyway, so you might as well run it off the engine.
Engine driven fans suck anywhere but higher rpms, which is why most hot rodders overheat in traffic and not on the highway. OEMs have been using electric fans for years without issue, even on high output engines. There's absolutely no case where they can't work unless someone is a cheapskate and can't wire.