750 Brawler vs 650 AVS 2 at the track, right OOTB !

Your acting like there's some kind of proof that the 650 is vaporizing fuel better than the 750 and that vaporizing trumps every other aspect of a build,
Maybe he can try a Dominator next and it will go faster will it not because you just gave it more air?

I imagine there's a fairly narrow range that most engines can vaporize fuel like the ones we are dealing with and most of us have very little control of it.
You keep imagining. There's so many places to do it and **** it up.......Valve size, port size, manifold size, exhaust size, Ignition strength fuel type and carb size to name a few. And yet if I say try a smaller carb you jump up and down when its the EASIEST thing to try/change to see what the engine wants...... You scream I'm restricting the engine.........Am I?

You cant get your head around the fact that big inch Ford NEEDED more vacuum at the top end to make power. You get hung up on "small" instead of thinking about what's actually happening in the engine to do it.

Just because you you give an engine more air doesn't mean it will use it. Why does it matter if the SSR is fucked?