Just as slow as before mods..

no offence but now you’re high on you horse too. See how easy it is.

the OP said he had basic knowledge of how carbs worked, etc and that in his past he did this kind of work which if true I dont think you could ever forget how a carb worked, but I don’t think so. Look at this picture again. This is with him pinning a 2x4 between the seat and the gas pedal.. the primaries aren’t even open 20% let alone the secondaries from any source be it the gas pedal or choke lockout etc…..

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Yeah, everyone's seen it. It's been called out for a while and even OP knows it's an issue but he's hemmed by what he's got for a linkage and kickdown system. I doubt his local corner store has edelbrock kickdown adapters in stock, so he's not going to get it knocked out in an afternoon. The limited throttle movement is likely a result of the kickdown cable, and he's wise not to want to go monkeying blindly with that.
He's going to a trans guy monday to have it looked at, which should help get the situation resolved. Assuming the trans guy isn't a 17yr old with a 'certificate' from the internet on how to look at scanner screens all day.

I'm one of the ones claiming to be capable of fixing an unfamiliar system in '5 minutes' because I know that's a stupid claim, so no I'm not on my high horse - I'm calling assholes assholes, deservedly. I also understand OPs position. He's dealing with an unfamiliar combination of parts after a lengthy and unfortunate series of circumstances and is now being hounded for not engineering a whole new throttle and kickdown linkage in less time than it takes to make coffee. Gimme a break...