Coolant flow

Don’t be a literalist. Packing up, backing up, obstructing, impeding, blocking, restricting, whatever you wanna call it. I posted what I experienced with this Derale:

View attachment 1716086405It wasn’t cheap. Flat plate shroud with high CFM fan. It didn’t take long for me to discover it had to go. You may have known this from the beginning of time, at the time I bought it I had to find an 18 inch fan with shroud that would fit my situation for dragracing and street use. For that it was fine, although I had to run it more than I care to. It was no good for Highway use in my application. And that style is what I am referring to which is the exact same thing you are referring to.

As to your assertion that I said a mechanical fan was “necessary“ I’m sorry you have misread or perhaps you misinterpreted I don’t know, this is exactly what I stated:

Re-reading what I typed, it could beyou are getting hung up on the part: “and/or” and perhaps I left out “or” between “blocking airflow, OR a good mechanical......” Was not implying having to use both, no sir. Perhaps I was not as specific for your liking. Whatever.

Instead of looking to pounce maybe try Asking for clarity or simply give the benefit of doubt. I know I need to sometimes so anyway have a nice evening

That's a cheap junk fan. It's too small, and the shroud is there to increase profit margin. Poor shape and the fan opening is too small relative the radiator area.

A dual fan Ford contour setup is 3400-4000+ cfm on full tilt at 12v. That's for an 4 cylinder with AC and is OEM designed with a good bypass ratio. That derale setup is 1800-2400cfm. It would be marginal in almost every case for a hopped up V8. Add the restrictive and poorly shaped shroud and it's about like blanking the radiator with a sheet of plywood.