Turn a small drill press into a Bore/ Hone. Bolt it to the top of your engine block & do your own machining .

We should start a thread about all the shade tree stuff we have done in the past but don't recommend. I've used a die grinder to knock down the pop up on the valve relief side of some 340 pistons and used a file to flatten it. We were about 300 miles from a machine shop and had to get the thing running and we needed a minimum of .028 p/h clearance. It was only .024
Thing is the engine wouldn't care if the top of the piston had little dips in it or not it wouldn't cause it to explode like using a drill press to bore and hone your engine, having all the cylinders leaning different directions. Or we can start a thread called 'it'll still run'.
When I was a kid and putting junk together sandpapering journals and cleaning off rust pocks and stuff with a file. Crank journals they can be out around a little bit and still continue on no problem only under some extreme usage would they show their ugly faces and fail. You can put a scratch in a cylinder wall can gouge that ****** .030 if you wanted to and as long as you deburr that scratch, the ring skates right over it and it's equivalent of a ring Gap and you would never know it's there...'talking about a scratch, not a circular trench' . Lapped in valves, worn guides...seals will help limp them along to a point even..though the vj will wear quicker...but out of round cylinders,they do not seal.. and when the Rings don't seal ..you can't squeeze anything and when there's no squeeze/compression... that's like an old man's failed heart.... cannot pump the blood to move the body... its done.

Proper Oiling,Ring seal, valve seal, airflow.
If any one of those is crippled or missing... it's over. Starting that way is like still birth.
My point exactly. Make him understand things like out of round cylinders.
Some guys have ideas that people like yourself who have experience know just wont work and the reasons why they wont work.
If this guy is smart he will listen and learn, if not well meaning members like yourself are wasting their time

A long time ago maybe mid 80's my wife tells me her cousins husband flashed himself so bad he was taken to the hospital. Luckily for him his eye site wasnt permanently damaged
I see the guy sometime later at a family get together and ask him how or what happened
Guy tells me he has his welding shield "up" strikes an arc then lowers the shield.......Im like no, you got it backwards, you got to lower your shield first. Now this guy is arguing with me that im wrong, I dont want to make a scene but I tell him, you know im a welder at the plant, dont you think I maybe know what im talking about?
Guy still didnt want to hear it so I just told him keep doing what your doing and you'll be using a seeing eye dog soon and I walked away
Some folks you just cant reach