Turn a small drill press into a Bore/ Hone. Bolt it to the top of your engine block & do your own machining .

All I have to say is WOW!
Here's the way I look at it. Were out at sea and a engine fails and we have to make a repair as our lives depend on it, so you'd have better know what it takes and how to do it with whats available
Now thats not a justification for boring a engine cylinder with a drill press
I do not think the OP and I could be wrong as this is just a observation understands the principles of basic engine rebuilding, especially in regards to longevity and reliability of a engine
For example, in some of our ships there was no shore power hookup while the ship was out of service and so the generator ran 24 seven months on end
They have two generators per ship, the one im talking about is powered by a big V8 Cat. They have a few spares always ready for installation and ive watched them rebuild the old ones
The machinist's leave no stone unturned when they rebuild theses engines, everything is done correctly as you dont want a failure when you are transporting 6,000 people across the harbor
Same thing with a automobile engine or any IC engine
So can you jury rig some kind of boring bar? If you have the machine shop skills and engine knowledge im sure it can be done but the question is why and is it practical or cost effective and the answer too that id say would be No