Random pictures thread

We got the ‘67 Barracuda back from the upholstery shop. We trailered it because I don’t want to drive it in heavy, city traffic until I am convinced the gremlins are worked out. It will soon get a 50 mile trip to the body shop so they can do final panel and window alinements.

Meanwhile, on short drives it squeaked, rattled and generally sounded like I was hauling a couple of dozen shot-puts in the back of a pickup. I jacked it up and crawled under this past weekend and discovered that the “mechanic” (no longer at the body shop) had failed to torque the spring hangers or eye bolts, and he did not properly attach the tops of the shock mounts. So glad I checked… after three 15 mile shakedown trips.

Once it was all torqued down, the shot-puts were gone!:)

Still got a problem with the floor shift shaft that selects the gears. The original was trashed and the adjustable, aftermarket shaft is not getting the job done.

