Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

I'm on the watch list. I am 56. Been a low dose of BP med for 12 years now. 2 years ago, at my yearly, thw doc hears an irregular heartbeat. She can't believe I can't feel it. Sends me to a cardio doc. He said "Wow, you have a whole lot of skipped beats there, buddy". Did the contrast gated pictures laying in the donut. Heart strength and efficiency is 100%. However, my ascending aortic root is dilating. So I'm on a beta blocker to regulate my heart beat and see another heart doc yearly to track my aortic root. Once it hits a certain number in millimeters, major all day surgery will be scheduled. He estimates at about age 62.

Here is my "amusing"????? story of my heart bypass surgery in brief.

About 5 years ago I knew something was wrong and off to the local quack (doc) we went. EKG and his asute observation is "your tryng to have a heart attack." So off we drive to the hospital in N edge of Houston an hour away.

They admit me, do some tests and say yep your getting 2-3 stinks in a few minute. It about 6 p.m. and they have to call in some help from supper. They knock me out sorta and there they are putting in the stints and I hear them talking about what they just had for SUPPER! I had no supper.

Next AM the surgeon comes by and said, we don't like how your arteries come out of your ticker and we will do a triple bypass BUT we have to wait at least 5 day for those blood thinners to go away we just gave you a few minute ago. Two days later hurricane Harvey hits South of Houston, and then comes up to Houston as a huge tropical deprssion. It starts raining, and does so for days until the gauge says 50 inches. Houston is flooding big time.
But my Hospital is on a hill, sort or a higher spot. Flood waters are couple hundred yards from hospital, nurses an not get home or docs. Wife is hour or so away and NO roads open that she an get there on. All under water. None. Some hospitals are being evacuated and military choppers are briging in patients day and night. It is a zoo. No power. No TV. BUT Generators. NO surgery on gen. unless emergency.

MY blood thinners will NOT go away. Till.... Finally. Then 23 days later I have my surgery and go home! :thumbsup: