Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

So I just got home from a very difficult red dot instructor class. While I am already certified as a red dot instructor I like to continue my own training and education to stay current if you will. I think it makes me a better instructor and also keeps me relevant with current trends etc. The class was comprised of 100% seasoned instructors. It was very difficult, we are talking over 50% of the class were SWAT instructors for their local PDs and a Border Agent plus a lead Instructor for a Federal LEO training Center. Only three of us passed. Luckily I was one of the three! You guys get bored here is two of the drills we had to pass to graduate. All you need is a standard B8 target and you can try them at home. There were several other drills that were nasty but these two were the killers.

Drill one: From the holster, engage a B8 target at ten yards with ten shots in less than ten seconds. You must score at least a 90. Note, yours truly shot the fastest time in the class at a 6.013 scoring a 95-3x Foot note: the ten ring on a B8 is just over three inches in diameter!

Drill two: From the holster engage a B8 target at 25 yards with ten rounds slow fire, you must score at least a 80.

This drill (2) was the failure point for the majority of the class. It is much more difficult than folks think. 25 yards is a looooong way when you are trying to get in the black!
Try these at home and see how ya do! We would love to hear some feedback on what you guys think of the drills. For that matter I would love to hear what some of you guys favorite training drills are, rifle or pistol!