Going rate 727 rebuild.

Greedy people don’t care. Money is all they care about.
When I was doing work at my shop, I never had to do scumb bay things to make a buck. There are so many cars out there with just basic stuff that needs work, OH! Forget about it! I’ll never go hungry I thought to myself. Honest work and fair pricing will have droves of people at your door. The word gets around!

I’ve had customers shocked I turned down the work because I was honest and told them I couldn’t do that job. I’ve sent people home with good working rides with repairs I did t charge for because it was just a annoyance item that I fixed.

Let me tell you people! I mean this 100%!

A good honest mechanic doing good work at a fair price is all you need to ever be and you’ll be busy as heck. Let your reputation precede you and they’ll flow in. If took a little while for it to get around. But it paid big time.
I have a general mechanic locally I've used on jobs I don't feel comfortable doing. As honest as they come. My neighbor was having an issue with a Ford van. Stumbling, running rough, stalling, hard to start, etc. HIS mechanic said it needed a new electric fuel pump and with labor was going to be in the $600.00 range. I sent him to the mechanic mentioned, and he changed the fuel filter. All it needed. My neighbor was astounded.