What's a fair price to ....

Have SBP Ralleye Wheels blasted and powder coated with OE Argent.

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Many factors play into a quote with metal condition being the most important, at least to me.

In a rural setting your choices will be more limited than a larger metro area where competition will basically set the price.

Of course cost will be YOUR main concern but if you get them done for $50 apiece, don't complain when the requisite UV protection is not included and oxidation prompts you to have to polish the powder every few months.

You should take good close up photos of all four (or all five if you want the spare done too) and get with a local shop. They will give you a much better estimate than a bunch of gearheads who live elsewhere will.

Prices have drastically gone up since the scamdemic started and raw materials availability has suffered a great deal as well. "I got mine done for $250" is all fine and good, but WHEN were they done? If it wasn't in the last 2 or 3 years, you can almost bet your pink slip it will be twice that much. Like all of you, we are also struggling here trying to stay afloat.