Mopowers' 66 Dart Build

I figured I'd freshen up the door hinges, so I ended up picking up the kit offered by RestoRick. It was a great kit. He even offers the proper reamer for the lower hinge pins, which I also picked up.


When working on them, I noticed one of the rollers on the lower hinges was very sloppy. Turns out, the roller pin was worn pretty badly, so I ended up making a replacement out of a bolt on my lathe. Apparently, the rollers are hardened so that makes the pin the wear item.


I purposely me the pin a little short in order to sink a good weld in there. I also made it press fit so it wouldn't move while welding up, since the wavy washer wants to push it out.




The last thing I needed to do was build up the spot that the spring rests on with some weld and dress it down (red arrow below). It was worn slightly making it bind a tad when closing from the fully opened position. Hopefully these will last for another 56 years.
