I got some work done on the Dart today after work. I installed the Darts dash and the new A/C unit and it’s controls. The A/C is a retrofit unit from Classic Auto Air that you modify your existing controls and it looks factory installed. The factory control arm cables are removed and you install a new three speed on off switch and two petrometer switches that control servos and the condenser pump with a control module. The directions call for you to use the factory accessory circuit that the old blower switch used but I didn’t want to because the unit draws 25 amps so I installed a 30 amp relay that will turn on with the old blower motor circuit and switch power I’m getting straight from the battery. I have in line fuses on the A/C units power circuits coming from the load side of the relay. It was a tight fit up under the dash for the relays and the control board. I also got my wiper assembly put back in and my restored wiper motor installed.