Very impressed with gas mileage

Not sure if everyone tuned into his statement that he did a fair amount of "drifting" going down long mountain passes. Not saying it's cheating at all, but it does skew things a bit from how MPG might normally be tested. I personally test my average fuel mileage everyday on my 2010 commuter corolla, 155 miles/day total (hey, it's a boring drive). On the long downhill pass in the morning, I can coast over 7 miles and so my record is, I have averaged just a hair over 60 MPG on my morning commute! In the afternoon going home and UP that pass.....I will average right about 32 ~ 33. Oddly enough, on a straight level highway, I think I might only average about 37.
I also stated I returned the same exact route. Therefore, I climbed the same exact hills I descended. I did not say Long mountain passes. It is rolling hills if you’re familiar with 79 south West Virginia. Regardless, I guarantee I could best 27.8 miles per gallon by at least 2 miles a gallon if I did the calculation on a flatter route.