Stop in for a cup of coffee

USO are great when you have a long layover. Once we were coming home with the kids and had a 5 hour layover in I think Atlanta. One kid threw up on himself. Went to the uso so the kids were kind of free to run around. Man they let us use the shower, had a change of clothes. Had toys, Recliners and TV. Really made what would have been horrible much better. Only thing I still donate to.

The one in Chicago is kick *** also.
We were flying out of Phoenix once. We'd both gotten food poisoning the day before and both felt like crap. Had two hours before our flight and went to the USO. Explained our situation and the lady put us in a family room quiet with recliners. She asked what time we needed to leave and came and made sure we were awake. Great thing they do for service members and families.