Aluminum heads with a low compression 440 will loose compression? Huh?

Harley ironhead sportster, harley flatheads, BSA and Truimphs from the 50s. All these and more had cast iron heads. With low compression of course.
ah hah see i wasn't looking obvioulsy i'm far too young

is a birggs n strattoin iron? its a log time since i built up a 2hp

but vespa lambretta VW , tatra, chrysler/hillman Imp chevy covrvair porche was what was driving my thinking...



H-D made the Ironhead Sportster all the way to 1985. Of course they're known for hanging on to old tech as long as possible. I wouldn't mind owning one myself, or a nice Shovelhead. But then there are a bunch of motorcycles I'd love to have lol.

B&S started doing aluminum engines around the early 1960s from what I'm seeing on Wikipedia. My family has had a few lawnmowers with flathead Briggs engines over the years and they were aluminum.