Stop in for a cup of coffee

Very nice. Near you?
Morning ya coffee machine snobs. I will sip my green tea alone. Hah! More post holes to dig today plus bury some French drain. Gonna spend the day in the dirt!
Black tea here. Tetleys.
Haven't had coffee for a couple weeks. Haven't felt like it.
Keep the beans in the freezer for when I do want some.

Hmmm.... What should I do today? Probably some yard work. Maybe start poking around at the Ruster.... I don't have any materials for that though. Need to do some body work touch-ups, Planning to pull the interior and try to figure out the leak(s), then paint and put in new package tray and a few other areas need attention... Thinking first needs to re-organize garage so I can put the seats in there. But I also want to go over the mower deck in there. Maybe oughta knock that out first. :BangHead:

I hear ya. My plan today is Spring Cleaning top to bottom for the house. Put the screens in and all that.

Time to make the pancakes.